FREE Automation Payback Calculator with Finance Lease Options


When calculating payback with automation it is easy to think that payback is equal to the number of staff wages saved by the automation multiplied by the annual staff salary, but this is rarely correct. Calculating the payback on an automation project is often more difficult and involved than people imagine.  There are many factors to consider including:

  • What is your current production efficiency?
  • How long does your machinery stop for while staff have comfort breaks etc?
  • How long does your current system stop for breakdowns each month?
  • How many extra shifts could an automated system do?
  • What % of defects do you currently get and will this be saved by the automated system.

To help you pull it all together we have created a simple excel payback calculator which you can download for FREE. This asks all the key questions needed to calculate payback and then gives you several statistics to help you with your business decisions in relation to automation. It also has a finance offer, so once you have completed the form, the second tab has a finance scheme offer from our leasing provider Tower Leasing.

  • What % change in production output am I likely to see?
  • How much extra profit will I make per month?
  • What is the payback period in months for the capital investment?
  • Is finance leasing available, if so will it be viable and how much will it cost?
  • What happens if I improve my production rate by 5%?
  • How quick will I pay back the capital cost?

Find out now! Download the payback calculator using the form below.

If you have any questions or difficulties filling it in, feel free to contact us on 01223 499488 and we will be glad to help.

We also have a free downloadable robotics and automation pack available. This pack includes many other useful calculators including an intangible benefits calculator.

Payback Calculator with Finance Lease Options
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