Manufacturing PMI Reaches Highest Value Since June 2014

According to a recent article by Trading Economics, the UK Manufacturing PMI (Purchasing Managers’ Index) has reached a new high this September, at 55.40, representing the highest value achieved since June 2014, as some of the individual indexes used to determine the PMI, such as growth of output, new orders and employment saw an increase.

The UK Manufacturing PMI is used to determine the health and growth or decline of the manufacturing industry in the UK, with values over 50 indicating an improvement compared to the previous month.

Despite recent events, such as the Brexit, which have impacted the UK Manufacturing PMI that achieved a year-low in July, so far, it’s encouraging to see these metrics improve and values rising steadily in recent months and the very promising PMI achieved in September.

Derek Marsh, Marketing Manager at Granta Automation said “It’s good to see the PMI rising, especially after the concerns that spread within the industry as to what the effect of the Brexit might be. Here, at Granta Automation, we’ve also noticed an increase in the number of orders we’ve received recently from manufacturing companies, and we are delighted that we can deliver quotes faster than ever now, due to our innovative project builder.”

With the UK Manufacturing sector continuing to grow, it seems like increasingly more businesses understand the importance of embedding automation into their processes, in order to accelerate growth, improve productivity and efficiency, and thus, increasing profits. If you’re also interested in taking your business to the next level, contact Granta today to discuss, or use our project builder to get a free quote in minutes, not weeks!


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